Cough Syrups Were Linked To The Deaths Of Dozens Of Children In Gambia And Uzbekistan

Cough Syrups Were Linked To The Deaths Of Dozens Of Children In Gambia And Uzbekistan

Dozens of children have died in Gambia and Uzbekistan after drinking cough syrup made in India. A government notice has been issued on Tuesday. In which it has been said that now whenever cough syrup is exported from India, it will be tested first. In the report released from the Ministry of Health on 22 May, it has been said that before the export of any cough syrup, it will be tested in the government lab. He will be sent abroad only after passing this test and getting the certificate. This law will be made effective from June 1.

The Ministry of Health has not yet decided whether the cough syrup sold inside India will be tested before coming into the market. The Ministry of Health has not responded to this.
The notice identified seven federal government laboratories where samples can be sent for testing, besides other state laboratories certified by the national accreditation body.

Indian tests of a cough syrup made by Madden Pharmaceuticals Ltd linked to the death of children in Gambia have found no toxins, but several medicines made by Marion Biotech have been found to contain some of the same ingredients as syrups sold in Uzbekistan linked to the deaths.

Reuters reported last week that India is considering changes to its pharmaceutical industry policy, including testing raw materials for cough syrups as well as drugs. The companies deny any wrongdoing.

Buy only after checking the seal and dates of the syrup.

Before buying cough syrup, do check the bottle once when it is made. Means manufacturing dates and expiry dates. Whenever you buy cough syrup, buy it 2 years before the expiry date. Counterfeit sellers are not able to change the description above the syrup. Because of which it can be easily ascertained whether the drug is genuine or fake. Do check the seal of the syrup.

No effect even after drinking the syrup

You have bought some syrup from the market. In such a situation, if it is not working, then definitely see the doctor once. Because doctors can easily differentiate between real and fake medicine. In the prescription, he can change the medicine according to his own.

QR or unique code must be printed

According to the rule, it is very important to have a bar code on any medicine costing more than Rs.100. Through the bar code, you can easily find out whether it is real or fake.

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